Publications and Links

I completed my PhD in 2011 at the London Metropolitan University, with my thesis called:

The Baroque Bassoon: form, construction, acoustics, and playing qualities

If you would like to read more about baroque bassoon designs, or just look at a lot of pictures (and graphs!) of lovely original instruments, interesting iconography, etc, you can download a pdf copy free from the British Library EThOS site HERE ​(you will need to make an account but it is entirely free).

To read more about the Poerschman bassoons and my recontruction, see my article:
Designing a Reconstruction, or Reconstructing the Design. The Bassoons of Johann Poerschman
Again entirely free, alongside many other interesting articles on historical bassoons and the reconstructing of them, in this download of the publication:
Le Basson Savary. Bericht des Symposiums »Exakte Kopie« in. Bern 2012 Herausgegeben von Sebastian Werr und Lyndon Watts unter redaktioneller Mitarbeit von Daniel Allenbach.

For my argument for a categorisation of the designs of baroque bassoons into 2 Types and 5 subtypes, see my article
Baroque bassoon designs: a suggested typology
This is also discussed in my thesis but is more succcinct here, again along with many interesting bassoon-related articles (in German and English) in the recently published proceedings of the 2015 conference at Kloster Michaelstein:
Bd. 84
Geschichte, Bauweise und Repertoire des Fagotts
Bericht des 34. Musikinstrumentenbau-Symposiums 2015
Michaelstein und Augsburg, br

​Further publications to be listed...